Fairtrade in Felixstowe

Welcome to Felixstowe – a Fairtrade Town since 2009. Here you will find a range of shops and cafes serving Fairtrade goods.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for workers in the developing world. Buying Fairtrade ensures that producers receive a fair price for their goods – and there is a ‘social premium’ which goes towards providing community facilities such as clean drinking water. Producers decide on projects democratically.Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for workers in the developing world. Buying Fairtrade ensures that producers receive a fair price for their goods – and there is a ‘social premium’ which goes towards providing community facilities such as clean drinking water. Producers decide on projects democratically.

Paying sustainable prices addresses the injustices of conventional trade which can discriminate against the poorest, weakest producers. Visit www.fairtrade.org.uk to find out more.

Fairtrade in Felixstowe
Felixstowe is a Fairtrade Town. This status is awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation to towns who have demonstrated a commitment to support Fairtrade. Fairtrade activities in Felixstowe are co-ordinated by the Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum, a voluntary organisation supported by the Town Council, local businesses, churches, schools and voluntary organisations. We welcome new members and it is free to join. Visit our website at www.felixstowe-fairtrade.org.uk for details.

We are also a founding member of SAFT, a network of 9 Fairtrade Town groups in Suffolk who exchange information and provide mutual support. For contact details for your local group visit www.suffolkfairtrade.org.uk

On display you will find a list of shops and cafes in Felixstowe serving Fairtrade goods in Felixstowe. It is also available in leaflet form, please ask for a copy.

To help us keep this list up to date please email secretary@felixstowe-fairtrade.org.uk with any suggested changes or additions.
Enjoy your visit to Felixstowe!

Produced by the Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum