Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Buying Fairtrade products ensures that they receive a fair price for their goods – and there is also a ‘social premium’ which goes towards providing community facilities, such as clean drinking water. Producers decide on projects democratically. 

Paying sustainable prices addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which can discriminate against the poorest, weakest producers.

(To find out more about Fairtrade and the work of the Fairtrade Foundation please click

Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum

The Felixstowe Fairtrade forum is a voluntary organisation set up in 2007 to promote Fairtrade in Felixstowe. We have worked closely with the Town Council, businesses, churches, schools and voluntary organisations. We have given talks, organised events and participated in town activities such as the Carnival and Art on the Prom.

In recognition of the town’s involvement in supporting Fairtrade, Felixstowe was granted Fairtrade Town status in 2009 and this is now renewed every three years, most recently in 2023.

Felixstowe is also a member of the Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns (SAFT) – www.suffolkfairtrade.org.uk

Joining the Forum

The Forum welcomes new members – both individual and corporate. Membership is FREE and if you would like to join us in promoting Fairtrade click here

What FAIRTRADE means to producers…

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

Buying Fairtrade products ensures that producers receive a fair price for their goods – and there is also a ‘social premium’ which goes towards providing community facilities such as clean drinking water.  Producers decide on projects democratically.

Patrick Kaberia is a Fairtrade Tea Farmer from Michimikuru in Kenya.  He visited Suffolk in 2016 and was the inspiration for the setting up of the Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns (SAFT).  He has remained in close touch and we were excited to see him again in September 2024 as part of a UK trip organised by our Fairtrade colleagues in Wiltshire. He was in Felixstowe for a short visit when he was at our Fairtrade Family Fun Day at the library. Many came along to meet Patrick and learn how Fairtrade benefits communities such as his.

Patrick tells us that all the tea at Michimikuru is produced to Fairtrade standards but only a small proportion is sold as Fairtrade.  If this proportion could be significantly increased the local community would receive the Fairtrade premium on the sales which would enable them to invest more in local projects, including measures to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as the planting of native trees.


Latest news…

From this year, Fairtrade Fortnight has moved from its traditional time in February to September (this year between Monday 9th and the Sunday 22nd). As always, this is a time to focus people’s minds on the Fairtrade issues and to further encourage them to buy Fairtrade goods. We are trying to involve everyone in Fairtrade Fortnight this year and this involves plans to go into schools to take part in assemblies (if you are a local school and would like us to come in then please get in touch through secretary@felixstowe-fairtrade.org.uk) as well as organising a children’s poster competition (for Primary aged children). If you know a young person who would like to take part in this then, again, please contact us for details. We also have a Fun Day organised for Saturday 21st September. This will be at Felixstowe Library between 10am and 1pm with lots of games and competitions (for all ages) as well as a visit from Patrick (see above). For more details about the Fairtrade Foundation celebrations please click here.

There are many ways you can support Fairtrade in Suffolk:

  • Buy food and commodities that carry the Fairtrade label
  • Encourage your friends and relatives to try Fairtrade goods
  • Encourage your favourite café to serve Fairtrade tea and coffee
  • Become a member of the Felixstowe Fairtrade Forum through this site
  • Help us in Felixstowe to promote Fairtrade by organising and participating in events and promotions
  • Become a champion for Fairtrade in your own school, voluntary organisation or place of work
  • Register your support for Fairtrade in Suffolk at www.suffolkfairtrade.org.uk

Felixstowe has a committed and lively set of volunteers but we could do more if we had more active supporters.  If you think you can help, please email our secretary at secretary@felixstowe-fairtrade.org.uk.